
Oxford Let Go 4th Edition 7 Levels

DVD eBook Oxford Let's Go 4th Edition
Student's Book + Workbook + Class CDs + MultiROM
32 Files | 8,0 GB | Year 2011
The fourth edition includes a student audio CD in each student book, which includes all of the conversations, vocabulary, songs, chants, and phonics so students can listen at home. It also includes optional access to online practice with the workbook and teacher’s book. There is also a CD ROM version for each text for use with interative whiteboards or digital projectors which includes all the student book and workbook pages, audio files, Teacher Cards, games and activities, and tools to customize the lessons.
  • Link download
Oxford - Let's Go 1 Student's Book 4th Edition.pdf [17.14 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 1 Class Audio 4th Edition CD1.rar [95.45 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 1 Class Audio 4th Edition CD2.rar [87.95 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 1 Student's Book 4th Edition CD.rar [99.02 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 1 Teacher's Book 4th Edition.pdf [112.74 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 1 Test Center CD-ROM.rar [180.84 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 1 Workbook 4th Edition.pdf [6.2 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 2 Student's Book 4th Edition.pdf [18.25 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 2 Student's Book 4th Edition CD.rar [74.39 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 3 Student's Book 4th Edition.pdf [18.56 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 3 Class Audio 4th Edition CD1.rar [86.37 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 3 Class Audio 4th Edition CD2.rar [92.11 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 3 Student's Book 4th Edition CD.rar [98.24 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 3 Workbook 4th Edition.pdf [43.86 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 4 Student's Book 4th Edition MultiROM.rar [39.33 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 4 Student's Book 4th Edition.pdf [5.57 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 4 Student's Book 4th Edition CD.rar [98.81 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 4 Workbook 4th Edition.pdf [5.54 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 5 Student's Book 4th Edition.pdf [5.48 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 5 Student's Book 4th Edition CD.rar [77.51 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go 6 Student's Book 4th Edition.pdf [5.6 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go Let's Begin Student's Book 4th Edition.pdf [3.74 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go Let's Begin Class Audio 4th Edition CD1.rar [76.1 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go Let's Begin Class Audio 4th Edition CD2.rar [78.96 MB]
Oxford - Let's Go Let's Begin Student's Book 4th Edition.pdf [6.8 MB]
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